The BeaverBOT has been designed to complete its given tasks at fast and efficient pace. With the help of our amazing building and robotics team, our bot is able to work just like a beaver!
Our First BeaverBOT
The BabyBOT
*Under Construction*
*Under Construction*
The DemoBot
*Under Construction*
Our First BeaverBOT
This was our first FTC robot. It had a basic chassis with all of the motors inside the channels. We also included a webcam for April Tags.
The BabyBOT
Our first uniquely designed robot. It consists of 4 motors and one GoBilda servo.
The DemoBot
This is our first robot which has extra mechanisms. This robot can pick up a PowerPlay Cup and raise it up using the linear slide. The grabber was designed in CAD as well as the motor covers.